Published: Sun, 07/21/19
Who wants to start Monday morning with the most powerful animal chiropractic EHR program - and join FOR FREE! I'd love for you to e perience how…
Stay informed and up to date about all things related to ChiroSimple and the animal chiropractic profession.
Published: Sun, 07/21/19
Who wants to start Monday morning with the most powerful animal chiropractic EHR program - and join FOR FREE! I'd love for you to e perience how…
Published: Fri, 07/19/19
Hi again, doc! QUESTION: Are ALL your patient records in 1-place? [Pic Above] This WAS my desk a few years ago before ChiroSimple - Embarrassing, I…
Published: Fri, 07/05/19
Hope you had a nice 4th of July, Doc! Alfi enjoyed the sun with his new toy and ate 1-cup of coconut oil my husband left within his reach - that…
Published: Sun, 06/30/19
You turn on the tv, and all you see & hear is the Emergency Broadcast Network... "BEEEEEEEP...THIS IS NOT A TEST" All networks are down! NO WI-FI NO…
Published: Tue, 06/25/19
Before I share my tips with you... I thought I'd cheer you up with this little "turkey" (as my husband calls him). Sometimes I come across pictures of…
Published: Mon, 06/17/19
This our old-man, Taz. He's turning 14 this year and thankfully is doing great (thanks to chiropractic - naturally!) He enjoys sleeping and eating (as…
Published: Tue, 06/11/19
Have you been wondering HOW ChiroSimple Animal Chiro EHR works, what it looks like and WHAT it does? If so, just CLICK HERE and have a look... Dr.
Published: Sun, 06/02/19
Is tomorrow Monday, already? I've got some e citing news... As of today, we tallied up how many animal chiropractic notes have been created using…
Published: Fri, 05/31/19
Happy Friday, Doc! It's Friday, and I'm feeling generous just because everyone's loving ChiroSimple and I love our family of users! I'd love for you…
Published: Mon, 05/27/19
This little "turkey" (my husband's nickname for Alfi), thinks every toy is his and doesn't like to share. He's the strangest blend of "unsure," a bit…