To be considered a Professional (by the public and colleagues) this short list comes to mind:
- Is properly educated, licensed, and skilled.
- Operates with integrity and puts the needs of their patients before theirs.
- Outwardly reinforces their professionalism, in all aspects of how they run
their business and manage their patient care.
I wish it weren't true, but...
we're often judged by the quality of our notes.
I don't get the opportunity to meet everyone who learns about me. They may only see my records, and off of those, they judge
Think of your notes like a first they often are.
We've had doctors join, who admitted their notes were "laughable."
[Warning: I'm gonna get
I'm equally embarrassed of the notes I kept before ChiroSimple. They were awful and it felt like a heavy albatross on my back.
We've all put our energy, money and passion into learning how to be the best animal chiropractic providers we can; Why on earth would we jeopardize our own success potential, and animal chiropractic as a whole, by sending a public message that we're incompetent?
Our notes are our outward expression of our abilities and competency - they're public facing (in certain circumstances), are sent to other professionals, our own patients and unfortunately for scrutiny with our boards (which is on the rise).
There isn't one member of our ChiroSimple family
who isn't amazing at what they do.
Thankfully, with the help of ChiroSimple, they are communicating that loud and clear.
In addition to what many of our customers
boast are the highest-quality animal chiro notes on the market, here's some of my favorite features that help you become the hero of your own story.