If you've been feeling 'unsettled' with the state of the world...you're not crazy.
In fact, you may actually posses a skill many others don't...And, it could be the critical skill you need most right now...
If I'm going to honest with you...I went back and forth a few times whether or not I should share this with you - I'm really going out on a limb here.Â
⚠️WARNING⚠️ This newsletter is one that will require you to buckle your seatbelt (what I'm about to say might sound to you as being completely radical or go against every fiber of your being). Simply put, what I'm about to share with
you will throw a lot of what you've believed your whole life on its head - and that can be really tough medicine to take. If you're the type of person that doesn't like alternative ideas, ideas that challenge conventional wisdom (maybe even your beliefs), you may want to just pass over this email and go about your day as if this didn't come across your desk. Simply put, consider this email a thought experiment. This email doesn't represent a
collective view of ChiroSimple, but simply my own. (Sheesh, that's the longest disclaimed I think I've ever written)
For those of you with stronger stomachs, allow me to dive in...
For the sake of saving us both a lot of time (and my fingers from falling off), I'm going to give you the nuts and bolts of what's going on - I could easily write a whole book on this subject (yes, I'm a bonafide nerd).
Should we be surprised? Just to name a few reason why...
- Deliberate political divisiveness. ("Deliberate" - just listen to any side's speech, they condemn the "others" every chance they get)
- Deliberate medical divisiveness. (Not following the narrative? You're the problem)
- Costs of everything continues to rise. (and will continue to rise)
- More and more rules are imposed on us. (You just never know what the latest new rule is when you wake up each day)
- Perpetual state of "be afraid." (There's no lack of something to fear, and you're reminded of it daily)
- Abundance no more. (Hoard what you might need, or you'll be left without)
- Binary thought conditioning. (It's one or the other, gray doesn't exist. "Which side are you?")
- Disappointments are the norm. (Non-existent customer service, planned trips cancelled, plane flights changed 5x, family gatherings postponed, friendly get-togethers cancelled, everything fun cancelled, everyday feels like Ground-hog day)
Sadly, I could go on, but I'll spare you - I'm getting depressed just thinking about it all.Â
I'm not the only one who sees this. If fact, people way smarter than me, with a track record of being "normal" are predicting trouble around the corner... Here's what Harvard graduate and Bridgewater Associates $20 Billion dollar hedge fund manager, Ray Dalio had to say (source).
Dalio has built his business and net worth, which Forbes estimates at roughly $20 billion, on figuring out where the world is going and designing investment strategies to profit from it. Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson describes him as a “big thinker and brilliant academic
disguised as an investment manager.” Moreover, Paulson adds, Dalio’s assessment of macroeconomic risks and strategies is often right. He famously made money during the 1987 stock market crash and predicted the 2008 financial crisis, which enabled his fund to outperform during that crash, too.Â
Dalio believes there’s a 30% chance that the U.S. will enter into a major “civil-war-type” conflict within the next five years. While other countries face similar challenges, America looks especially vulnerable. “It’s very important that we deal with this now,” he says. “We can have a type of civil war or international war based on how we are behaving with each other and our financial conditions.” What’s more, the U.S. is
not alone in facing this dire scenario.Â
Not much. But there are a few things (I believe) can help you get ahead of this). This is not financial advice, speak to a professional. (There's those darn disclaimers... again!)
- Stop watching the news, damnit! (I promise you, it's not going to make you feel better - this has been proven by research. Source)
- Believe (and do) the opposite of (almost) everything you hear. (You'll notice a trend...before the "$h1t hits the fan", you'll hear a lot about how "everything is ok" - it isn't! - think back to 2008)
- Hone your critical thinking skills. (Get off your phone and get back to paying attention to what's going on around you - be an observer)
- Our cash is dying quickly! (Ignore CPI "Consumer Price Index" numbers - a measurement of the current inflation rate. The numbers are completely manipulated to make you believe the inflation rate isn't a big problem - it is. Our cash is losing it's buying power faster than ever before in our lifetime. Find ANY asset and invest
in it - it should outperform cash earning nothing and bleeding it's value dry. Ideally, shoot for at least 15% minimum "ROI" Return on Investment. That will at least keep you where you are.
- Maximize your business growth. (Shameless plug: Animal Chiropractic is a trading-time-for-dollars business model. Your success-potential is finite and limited by your time. ChiroSimple saves you hundreds if not thousands of hours/year and upgrades unimpressive notes, to notes that generate new clients - it's an absolute
no-brainer. Join below).
- Hedge against risk/liability. (A board complaint can stall your business income, add additional stress no-one can handle these days, and cost fines - ChiroSimple notes are both impressive and demonstrate your intent to practice "above board.")
I sure hope I haven't left you feeling awful (or offended your beliefs), instead I hope I've given you some thoughts and ideas that might empower you to get ahead of what some believe might be happening now or around the corner.
All of us here at ChiroSimple appreciate you and what you do. Helping animals is (at least from my perspective) a gift to the world that deserves to be returned to you ten-fold - you're truly making a difference, and we love you for that.
Thanks for letting us be a part of your story,
Dr. NevinÂ
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