Comparison has been described as "the thief of all joy"...
For practicing healthcare professionals, ignoring this could cost more than just lost income.
If you don't know where you are, I can safely say, you're operating using hope, wishes and luck as fuel. A business run this like has little chance to thrive (possibly even survive). So, if this has been your operational standard, I hope this newsletter might give you a leg-up coming into the new year, around the
First, let's address the elephant in the room...what would ChiroSimple have to offer on this subject, aren't we just the best animal chiropractic practice management software company out there? 🙃 (that's the sarcasm emoji in case you didn't catch that. And, of course the answer is - YES!)
At the time of writing, we've had well over 60,000+ animal chiropractic records generated by our members (that's a lot). Additionally, we've got members
spanning (now) 7-countries and our member's demographics include: veterinarians, chiropractors, and (we've learned) in other countries such as in the UK, specialty designations can also perform animal chiropractic care.
Considering these facts, we've recognized we've got a unique perspective and real data on the performance of our members. At the AVCA conference this year, a couple members helped us recognize, we actually might be the sole source of the most accurate animal
chiropractic data that exists!
To be clear, we haven't really looked under the hood until recently - it just wasn't on our radar. What we discovered was actually quite surprising...
At the conference, I asked a handful of members if they knew some very basic stats (just about) every human chiropractor would know, such as "PVA" - they didn't have a clue.
This is like driving a car without a speedometer and hoping you're not driving under/over the speed limit.
Even with the best of intentions, this one mistake can make or break your potential success.