What do Puppies-in-Stockings have to do with ChiroSimple?
Everything! 😂
Saying we love animals is an understatement. My two beagles are literally my fur-children, I can't imagine life without them.
Animal chiropractic is more than just a J.O.B to me, it's my life-passion. There isn't a day I wake up without feeling the greatest purpose I can imagine... the ability to help animals. ChiroSimple provides me and our users with the ability to help many more animals, while removing the overwhelm.
However, ChiroSimple has a secret secondary purpose...
The animal chiropractic profession is at risk, especially for chiropractors.
More and more professionals are interested in working with animals. Unfortunately, not all of them are properly educated, certified and/or performing animal chiropractic safely.
More, there's an even larger group who are incredibly qualified,
but their records don't reflect their competency.
This isn't problematic...until their records are under scrutiny.
In fact, that's where we're most concerned. Unprofessional records scream "I'm unprofessional," and if we're trying to establish ourselves as qualified, (I believe) we have a responsibility to animal chiropractic to not only practice above board, but make sure our records mirror our skills/knowledge.
I recognize (at this time), there aren't Standards of Practice rules for animal chiropractic. However, if we don't act preemptively, those rules are going to be enforced, (or worse) we lose our ability all-together to help animals!
ChiroSimple removes this concern, and instantly solves the above issue, which is why we're incredibly passionate about its purpose.
The more docs that use ChiroSimple, the greater the likelihood (we believe) we'll all continue to be able to practice animal chiropractic - that's good for animals... and you!
Thanks for letting us be a part of your story and for sharing our program with your colleagues - together, it's our responsibility to ensure the longevity of our profession.
Wishing you, your family and your pets a safe and happy holiday season!
Dr. Amanda Kremer, DC. and The ChiroSimple Team
Our members are the real heroes of our story...