First, all of us here at ChiroSimple want to send our love toward you, your family, your team and all your patients during these changing times.
I figured it might be helpful to share a few practical things you could all do, to make good use of any down-time you may be experiencing. These 5-tips below shouldn't take you long to do, but I'm certain, they can and will bring dividends to your practice numbers in the short and long-term.
So, without further adieu, let's get to it... Oh, and these will work whether you're a chiropractor or a vet (with just a slight modification).
TIP #1: Add a blog to your website and write 2-articles a month.
Adding a blog to your website isn't difficult. If you need help, hire someone for peanuts to do it and teach you how to use it. Having a blog helps Google serve your website to more people searching for you. Google can't help you if you don't help Google! Google only knows what you do, based on what's written on your website. A blog, with a variety of posts pertaining to your specialty, is the
gift that keeps on giving. You only need to write this once, and it lives there forever, delivering dividends over and over again (kind of like a savings account, but with an interest rate of return that's actually noticeable).
TIP #2: Have a friend contact your local news channel and suggest they do a story about what you do.
This may seem unlikely - I assure you, it can be done!
The news these days is downright depressing. The producers know this and are desperate for something positive to balance out the negativity. Help them (help you).
I'd suggest having your friend say something like: "The news is really depressing lately. If [you're] looking for something positive to share, I thought I'd suggest you consider doing a story on Dr. ___ who helps animals with chiropractic care (! who knew!!!). Everyone loves animals and Dr. ___ is amazing!"
TIP #3: Get more referrals doing this...
I'm sure you love getting referrals...who doesn't! Even more-so now during COIVD. One way to gain referrals is to make certain referral sources know about you, and
(most importantly)...
regard you as being the animal chiropractic authority in your area.
The easiest way to establish this is to PROVE IT!
Since your notes are a direct reflection of your skills, knowledge, expertise and practice competence, we're going to leverage your gorgeous ChiroSimple notes to the max!
Better, we're going to do it with the push of a button!
Here's How...
STEP #1: Ask every pet owner for the names of their pets' providers, including (but not limited to): veterinarians, animal massage therapists, rehab specialists, groomers, dog walkers, animal mediums, etc.
For both chiropractors and vets, ask the pet owner if THEY themselves see a chiropractor and get that doctor's name. (You'll see why soon)...
STEP #2: Once you get this info, spend a bit of time hunting down their email addresses. A good way to do this is to call them and ask for it! Tell them who you are, and that you'd like to send them a copy of your report for their records, since they're assisting with the healthcare of that
Not only will you get their email, you'll also probably begin a relationship right over the phone, and that's part of the magic!
STEP #3: "Send" your initial ChiroSimple report directly from your program. Just select the check box beside the report and click the envelope icon. Remember, you'll have the option to send a Professional Report or a Client-Friendly Report (with pictures). In this case, you'll probably want to
send the Professional Report (but, I'll leave that up to you - both blow people away!)