Oh boy - this is a big one. We ALL do it. I do it, YOU do it (you know you do), and it's DANGEROUS! Your value is not conditional (read that twice).
Every (every) practice ebbs and flows. It can't rain all the time (except here in Portland, lol), the sun can't always be out, the stock market can't go up constantly,
everything corrects - everything.
There are certainly things you can do to positively (overall) affect your practice numbers [warning:
shameful plug], like the easiest > choose and use ChiroSimple. But, even then, your numbers will still move up/down/sideways - volatility is a guarantee.
Learn to accept the volatility of your practice. It's a living, breathing enigma. Become more of an observer and take it less personally - watch it and make unemotional adjustments if needed. Even if your practice had the worst week/month
ever - your 'best' is around the corner.
Learn from dogs.
They expect the best, always, no matter what happened before. They're conditioned and hardwired to be irrationally optimistic. They always believe they are just a moment away from a game of fetch, a great bone or chasing a squirrel. You
can teach yourself to expect the best - it's a habit worth learning. Start small. ("Someone's going to say something nice to me today," "the sun's gonna shine for me today")
I mostly wrote this newsletter for myself (as you can probably tell) and hope it helped you as well.