ChiroSecure is a malpractice insurance company with an emphasis on protecting chiropractors (and animal chiropractors). They're the best out there in my opinion for too many reasons to name. But, if you need one, it's that it's run by a chiropractor, who freaking cares about us...for real.
With claims against animal chiropractors on the rise, it's imperative to have a company behind you, who will back you up if/when a claim is brought against you and you can count on ChiroSecure.
ChiroSecure is led by Dr. Stuart Hoffman, a chiropractor. Like ChiroSimple, it takes one to know one. Our members notice the difference with our program, because I personally use it every single day in practice and can't imagine my life without it. So, I'm in the trenches with you! ChiroSecure's clients benefit for that same reason.
Anyhow, I just wanted to share the good news with you all. ChiroSimple's purpose is simple, to become the obvious choice for animal chiropractic record keeping. We plan to continue to support this goal by ensuring our program continues to deliver what you need to grow your
practice and leave your worries behind.