Even though this is very difficult for us
...we're doing what we feel is right.
Nevin here, I'm speaking on behalf of the ChiroSimple Team...
Firstly, we'd like to extend our sincere concern for everyone in the animal chiropractic community during this difficult time, whether you're a member or not, a vet or a chiropractor, a staff member, a husband/wife - you matter to us.
Our appreciation for all of our members, especially those who have supported us from the very beginning; Your emails of appreciation for how our program has changed your lives fuels our stamina to continue building this amazing tool and push forward. We love all of you!
Some of you may believe ChiroSimple is a large company with a robust team. This couldn't be further from the truth. ChiroSimple is...simply, Amanda, myself (Nevin) and Mark. The three of us have put everything we have on the line to bring this program to life and with it has come tears, laughter, arguments, excitement, joy and
fear all along the way.
We're just barely profitable as a company, even though we continue to experience healthy growth. Operating a business, as you know, is expensive.
We've had many members tell us that our program is worth far more than what we are charging and they'd gladly pay more. Our customers say that to us! We are flabbergasted each time we hear it - clearly we've created something really special and your appreciation is more than humbling. We've kept our program affordable because we want to help you help more animals - They are
the ultimate beneficiary (and always will be), and the primary reason ChiroSimple exists. They need you and we feel, you need us. Together, we like to believe we're making a difference.