, I truly hope you find my emails valuable - it takes time to write these and I'm putting myself out there with the hopes something I might share could help make your day, month, year or life a little easier and more fun. You matter to me.
Back to the topic of this email. It's not unusual for me to get asked by newer animal chiro graduates, "how did you create a waiting-list animal chiropractic business?"
Or, more specifically, "how were you able to create a PROFITABLE animal chiropractic practice, and not need to work on people?"
In a previous email, I shared with you my step-by-step strategy for how to grow your animal chiro practice.
Today, I thought I'd share what I've discovered many animal chiro business-owners do, that actually hinders growth.
Perhaps there might be something here you may discover you're doing (without realizing it), that could be stifling your practice growth.
Disclaimer: Animals are the #1 reason I wake up every day. I'd do what I do even if I didn't get paid, but that's not realistic. So, please understand everything below this paragraph is focused on the business-side of animal chiropractic (which you've got to be good at to help a lot of animals).
Shall we continue...
• Failing to recognize, Making More Time, is priceless!
There's no way around it - we're in a trading-time-for-dollars business. Often, newer docs focus on the wrong things - most commonly...cutting expenses.
I'm all about keeping costs down, but if you're cutting ANY costs that have the potential to free up your time, you're 100% making an expensive error (read that twice).
Anything that helps you to see more patients (the life-blood of your income), is absolutely priceless. I've seen docs choose to save $100/month, only to leave tens of thousands on the table! They actually have convinced themselves they're saving money! In reality, they've
decided to throw away their ability to actually make more.
Sometimes, the little voice that says, "spending is bad, I don't have the money yet to afford this," is exactly the reason why your practice might NOT be growing.
• Failing to recognize you're FIRST being judged by how you look, not by how amazingly talented you are or how much you know!
Did I hit a nerve? #sorrynotsorry
You might be the best animal chiropractor on the block, but sending another professional hand-written, cryptic, illegible notes, that look like crap isn't going to win anyone's attention. All you've done, is show up to a formal dinner party in sweatpants and no makeup (guys, you get the idea).
If you want to build a referral practice (the best kind), with many coming from professionals who have unlimited patients to send your way, you've got to get noticed (positively), and do it often.
There's a reason our ChiroSimple members command attention - theyproudly send their records to referral sources, because they know they'll get noticed (with a WOW!).
I send my initial notes to the primary vet of every new patient I see. I proudly send my patient-friendly notes (another ChiroSimple feature) to all my new patient owners - and it blows them away! They show/share it with their friends and their friends schedule appointments - this isn't
difficult when you've got a powerful tool in your tool-belt.
• Waiting the "perfect" solution.
Sit down... I've got a Truth to share with you...
Perfection doesn't exist.
In business (and in life), good enough is more than most people do, because too many of us are paralyzed by waiting/striving for the "unicorn of perfection."
The perfect solution to your practice - be it a tool, an EHR, a [fill in the blank]...doesn't exist.
Pick one, embrace it and run with it!
While most others are busy researching for the perfect fit or paralyzed by worrying about choosing "the wrong one," you'll be actually doing something productive (hint: an essential key to success).
If you appreciate these tips or have a question, feel free to hit reply. I'm right here on the other end of this email and I'd love to hear from you!
To your success ,
Dr. Amanda Kremer, DC.
Founder of ChiroSimple