Success has been explained many times to be nothing more than, "consistent actions, designed to achieve a specific goal, tirelessly performed without excuses."
A couple decades ago, I created five BBB's (Business Building Behaviors) that have been proven to grow practices over and over again. (below)
With all the time you're saving creating professional reports using ChiroSimple, compared to drudging through hand-written disasters, you should be able to carve out few extra minutes to do your BBB's.
If you’d prefer to create your own, keep in mind, these should be activities that will influence immediate business growth or future business growth (so, not rearranging the pictures on your walls or cleaning your desk, lol )
5-Proven BBB’s for Animal Chiropractors:
1. Keep track of all patients birthdays on your calendar (only if exact date is known) and on that day, call the owner to wish their pet happy birthday. Hint: This is actually a “reactivation call” in disguise! No need to ask them to schedule, they’ll bring it up on their own, I promise! Leave a voicemail if you don't reach them - it'll have the same effect.
2. Mail a hand-written note to an owner with encouraging words for something they mentioned during their pets visit today (ie: going through a tough time with family, pet is not doing well, telling them it means the world to you that they chose you as their animal chiropractor).  It doesn’t matter what you say, as much as it does that you were thinking of them and made the effort. Make sure not to ask for anything in return with this
note, so don’t put any business cards in it, just be caring. The universe has a way of returning love. (1/day)
3. Set up a coffee meeting with a complimentary (or nearby of any kind), local business owner, that can eventually or immediately refer you clients. Make sure to suggest, “...Gee, I think we could really help each other grow - would you be open to passing patient referrals back and forth with me?” (1-reach-out/day)
4. Ask your pet owners if they know of any other animals that could use your help, then say nothing! You just plant the seed - no need to get pushy. A great time to do this, is if they say, “I can’t tell you how much you’ve helped Baxter.” You: “He’s done really well, I really enjoy helping him. Are there any other dogs you know of that could use my help?”
5. Send your initial ChiroSimple Professional Report to all your new-patients' primary veterinarian OR their owner’s human chiropractor. Ask your new clients if they themselves get chiropractic. If they do, ask if it would be ok if you send their pets' report to them, just so they know you’re here to help their patients' pets. I assure you,
they’re getting asked about this more than you know, they just need someone like you to refer their pets to!
Imagine what would happen if you were religious with these everyday?