People's opinions aren't worth listening to, I've finally realized. There's an old saying, "misery loves company," and unfortunately many people (with the best of intentions and love for you) are
(subconsciously) trying to bring you down to their level, because your success makes them uncomfortable. This applies to family, too (#sorrynotsorry).
You already know what's right for you, just listen to your gut. Most of us (chiros and vets) tend to live in our heads, since we tend to be analytical by nature. This works against us. We overthink everything and end up in "paralysis by analysis."
Your first inclination is the one you should pay attention to, before your brain starts talking you out of it. I've learned to pay close attention to, and act on my 1st gut thought,
and ignore the rest. Consider giving it a try.
I used to believe I could achieve success without the need for online tools, professional services (accountants, graphic designers, etc) to grow my business - I spent oodles of time attempting to learn how to do it all myself. After
6-years of floundering as a barely-surviving animal chiropractor, I finally let go of that self-destructive belief (goodbye TurboTax!).
I gladly hire professionals and sign up for services (yes, with monthly recurring charges) because I know, with them, I'll go
Not to mention, having those services and professionals in my back pocket, alleviates a ton of stress, and frees up my time to help more animals.
No matter how you plan to grow your animal chiropractic business, it's imperative to remember, we're in a trading-time-for-dollars service profession. Making more time is essential to grow. Violate this, and you'll
stifle progression.
I sure hope this didn't come off as preachy, I'm sharing this with you because I love you all, I love animal chiropractic and nothing would be more exciting for me, but hear you've got a flourishing
All of us at ChiroSimple believe in you!
When the going gets tough, if you need to, reach out - we truly want to see you succeed.