Hi again ,
Running an animal chiropractic business has many rewards for me. I love knowing I'm making a difference for animals - it's the most rewarding feeling in the world for me.
Sometimes the owners can be more challenging then their pets! But, one thing I can count on, is that the animals always let me know they appreciate what I've done for them - you know... you can just tell.
It's truly what keeps me going.
However, I'm human like you. And, occasionally life throws you a curve ball and shakes you up more than you'd like.
A big part of my daily routine involves some form of personal development. I listen to a lot of podcasts, read books and (brace yourself) follow a few Youtube influencer channels that I binge on.
When dealing with a recent "curve ball," I realized I needed another tool in my tool belt to help me get myself back on solid foundation.
I now consider "this tool" my secret weapon,
because it's made such an enormous difference for me
- and the coolest part, it's simple and relaxing.
So what is it? Believe it or not... it's hypnosis!
My whole life, I thought hypnosis was something charlatans used on stage to get crowds to cluck like chickens - I never took it seriously... I do now!
Hypnosis is, in fact, the most effective way (for many people) to re-program bad programming. Let me explain...
When we were 6-months old, in our mother's whom, our brains are programmed with the information we need to survive. Things like avoiding high places and other dangers. Sometimes there's programming in there that may have served our parents, or their parents, or their parents-parents. And, some of that programming we don't need, don't want and it serves us negatively. This programming
lasts with us our whole lives as is, unless we change it (read that twice). Similar to a computer software, such as ChiroSimple, updates make it better and more relevant.
To update our programming, we can only do so in the same state it was created, which is in our subconscious mind. This cannot be done with our conscious mind - hence, why hypnosis is so powerful. It allows us to access the subconscious and make lasting changes relatively quickly.
The coolest part, is that it's a very passive thing and it's quite relaxing while it's happening. I often feel very refreshed after a short session. You're in a hypnotic state when you're dreaming at night in your R.E.M. stage - so, this is the same frequency hypnosis operates within.
Since I don't have time to be going to a hypnosis practitioner, a friend who I look up to recommended an online program where I can do this all on my own at home.
It's made such a difference for me, I felt compelled to share it with you.
Hope you'll give it a try and it makes as big a difference for you as it has me.