Q: How you do you handle record requests when you get them?
I absolutely used to dread getting a record request from a vet, because:
- My notes used to suck! And, I was embarrassed another professional would judge me incorrectly (and they did).
- It was a tedious process, having to collect all the notes (half of which weren't yet done - shhhh) and/or had to be reformatted, re-saved, put in a new folder, attached in an email or sent in a fax. It was a huge mess and would take me half the day! (Time I could used to grow my practice or see more patients)
- Requests most often came in while I was on vacation (sometime out of the country), without my work computer/tablet.
Essentially, when a record request would come in - I'd feel a ton of anxiety and internally scream a lot of words that resembled, "&%$!, #@#! and #$@!"
So, naturally, finding a stellar solution to this was at the top of my list of desires for ChiroSimple.
I'm incredibly proud to announce
that this functional solution has now been added
to all our ChiroSimple family-of-users accounts!
With only a few clicks of the mouse, you'll be able to send anyone (professional/patient) all the records they've requested...and it's so simple.
As always, since I'm actually a full-time
practicing animal chiropractor (and ChiroSimple's toughest customer), you can count on me to make sure you're going to get the best of what our profession deserves - with no compromises to quality.
Don't forget to stop by our booth at this years AVCA conference to say hi.
If you're not part of our ChiroSimple family, make sure to take our tool for a test drive at our booth. We'd love to show you why our program is the best option out there for record keeping, record management, growing your practice and keeping your notes above board!