Pay-it-Forward practice success gift...

Published: Sun, 02/25/18


Firstly, thanks again for allowing me to send you these emails. I realize you could easily unsubscribe anytime, so I promise I'll only send you emails I feel would be valuable to you - especially if you're striving toward a more successful and easier animal chiropractic practice.

I was fortunate to have been taught a success-secret when I was just starting out as a 'newbie' animal chiropractor. Over the years, I noticed that most (if not all) the successful people I look up to, have this common characteristic in their back pocket.  Today, it's my pleasure to pay it forward and gift it to you!

So, what is it? 

Simply put, they taught me to be a practitioner of Planned Rituals and Routines.  I'm not talking about religious sacrifices! Essentially, they research what works (for others or for themselves) and commit to a schedule of continuing just that! They may do "it" every day, or a couple times a week, or only once a year. But...they ALWAYS follow through with this ritual, no matter what.  NOTHING gets in their way of these commitments.


If you'd like to learn how to apply this to your animal chiropractic practice, here are some tips that have helped me:


1.  Select 5-Actions that you believe (or have proven) to be effective for the growth of your practice.

These things could bring you immediate results or results in the not-too-distant future.  It doesn't matter, so long as the end result is what you want. I In our case, that's likely new animal chiro patients. These are habits you can commit to doing Mon-Friday. You simply won't leave the office or, "call it a day" until you've done them all.  The magic of this, is all in the consistency. It creates what Daren Hardy (Success Magazine) refers to as The Compound Effect. Below are my top 3 that have been absolutely priceless in propelling my practice to new highs, year after year. Go ahead and use mine or use your own. But, whatever you do...DO IT!


        1. Fax Initial Reports to primary veterinarian. (By far, the best results!)  

        2. Send referral thank-you's

        3. Wear logo'ed clinic shirt (with "animal chiropractor" text) in public 

        4. Your own here

        5. Your own here

2.  Commit to doing these at a frequency you can adhere to and NEVER let ANYTHING get in the way of it.

So, be careful with the frequency you decide.  Make sure it's reasonable and doable.  Everything else comes second to these 5-things.  There are plenty of distractions while running a chiropractic business, but none of those will cause you to not get these done anymore, right?!  Also, I've found it best not to carve out a specific time for these, but instead, just plan to get them done throughout the day and I don't call it quits until I've checked off all 5.

3.  Add some accountability.


Make sure the key people around you know how important these things are and consider asking them to help hold you accountable and ask you everyday, "if you got them done."  Your front desk staff person would be perfect for this. Or, your kids, your husband, a best friend, etc. 

I sure hope you'll use this tip - I can honestly tell you, in spite of it seeming so simple, it could be the most significant game-changer to propel your practice to the next level. 

To your success ,

Dr. Amanda Kremer, DC.

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